In 2013 a photography festival was introduced to Peterborough and the surrounding area patterned somewhat after the Toronto Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival. Interested photographers would present their work at a venue of their choice during the month of April. Initially I chose the Canadian Canoe Museum (for my first four shows) and then switched to displaying my work at the Peterborough Public Library
April 2013
Theme: Water, above and below
Looking through my photographic work I was intrigued with the idea of attempting to link the images I have taken over many years of scuba diving to my work on land. One of the obvious common denominators is the water itself, whether in it, on it or around it.
I found ties on many levels: activities that occur around water of a sports or recreational nature or simply the unique images that result from reflections, sparkles, mists and the sense of power and mystery that water can evoke. Underwater, the images range from the wide diversity of terrain and flora, underwater man-made structures (wrecks etc.) and of course the incredible range of marine life.